Sprint Activities
Sprints are formed of many activities, each designed to address particular areas of the design thinking process. Where a full sprint might not be possible for whatever reason, you can draw on the activities deployed within to help frame ideas and rapidly develop possible solutions. Each of the activities below can be picked up at a moments notice and deployed in as little as 15 minutes.
The SPRINT Toolkit
Crazy Eights
Crazy Eights allows you to rapidly prototype eight or more ideas in a small amount of time.
Dot Mapping
Dot Mapping allows groups to collaboratively solve problems and rate solutions. The tool is a great exercise in co-creating solutions to a range of issues.
How Might We?
The How Might We (HMW) exercise allows you to collectively map and collate ideas for further discussion and exploration.
SPRINT Ice Breakers
SPRINT can also be used as a team building exercise. This article contains a number of ice-breakers to help bond the SPRINT team together.
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GV Sprint Book
The SPRINT Book by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz is the go to text for anyone considering a design SPRINT. This simple, user-friendly guide walks through the entire SPRINT process from Monday to Friday.
Introduction to SPRINT
This short video from Google Ventures (GV) provides a concise introduction to the SPRINT process.