How do you start flipping a classroom?
Flipped learning means many things to many people. Dependant on your discipline, topic, and prior understanding, flipped learning will look different from instance to instance. To help, we’ve created a step-by-step guide below to support you in flipping your classroom today.
Step One: Define Flipped
The definition of flipped learning changes depending on who you speak to. For some, flipped learning refers to the practice of video lectures and putting them online. At Coventry University this is not the case. At Coventry, when we talk about flipped learning, what we’re really talking about is enhancing the student experience. Our vision of flipped learning is to make best use of staff time and resource, increasing productivity, and enhancing flexibility. Flipped learning, done right, should ease the burden of time on academics and focus on leveraging the students experiences and diversity to increase the value of the time spend ‘in the room’.
“a practice that creates learning through active participation and skills development through the curation of educational experiences in a technology rich learning environment”
Coventry University Flipped Learning Definition
Step Two: Understand Flipped
Coventrys definition of flipped learning refers to the maximisation of contact time available with students. We believe in the power of learning technologies to support student engagement, but that learning should be driven by experiences, not necessarily by the technologies available.
Flipped learning is more than the recording of lectures for dissemination online. We see flipped learning as a connected and collaborative approach based on self organised learning environments and problem based activities. It should bring together the best of educational technology, with playfulness, subject-specific problems, collaboration with students and the sharing of knowledge between the staff, student, and peers.
Step Three: Interpret Flipped
Our understanding of flipped learning as a flexible, value-enhancing approach allows academics to interpret its meaning in relation to individual discipline areas. An approach to flipped learning in the arts may be different to an approach in law. The definition of flipped learning is broad enough to encompass these different approaches, so long as value is placed at the heart of the learning journey and students are actively involved in participatory learning.
Step Four: Apply Flipped
Having understood that flipped learning is not a one size fits all approach, applying flipped practices to individual disciplines may seem daunting. We’ve developed a range of tools and resources which support learning design and active student participation to help kick start your flipped learning journey. The key to success, is to embrace digital technologies as a method of supporting contact time activities. Passion, inspiration, and a deep understanding of the topic area are internal to a successful flipped experience.